Thursday, January 9, 2014

27 Sokoto lawmakers decamp to APC

APC Leadership
The ongoing political activities are without a doubt a mockery of our democratic process.  The mass defections are nothing but a charade meant to entertain.  While serious minded Nigerians are not taking these developments seriously; however, Nigeria is becoming a laughing joke in the eyes of the world.  The celebrated defections as so claimed, is quite entertaining as it makes us laugh.  Again, this kind of behavior is a proven evidence of the type of people we have in our democratic system. Men with flawed characters who trade their conscience for pieces of personal gains.
This is a revelation of flawed characters of the leaderships that exist in some parts of our country.
When do these governors and lawmakers have time to attend to their administrative and legislative duties after so much time traveling all over the country looking for defectors?  This is not an official campaign seasons, and yet these politicians have abandon their duties in search of defectors.  This is amusing..... read more please

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